Friday, April 3, 2020

Plague Update #10 - Guest Workers Are Suddenly Expendable

Such a lot happened yesterday.  What with the shock cancellation of garage sales, sex workers being thrown onto the streets (except for those already on the streets, presumably they were thrown into buildings) and disease infected ferrets overrunning CSIRO laboratories across the land today was always going to be a bit of a let down. 

Today was a day of sober reflection, a day when the prime minister was interviewed by his favourite shock jock and despite constant urgings managed not to advocate a race war against the Chinese.  It's a low bar but I was actually quite pleased with the PMs performance.  In further signs that our leader is suffering from an onset of creeping sanity he started putting some measures in place to force landlords and retail tenants to do all of that stuff he was confident they could work out by themselves yesterday.  On the other hand he did suggest that everyone here on a visa who was suddenly unemployed and couldn't access our welfare system should just leave.  Shortly afterwards (possibly having been informed that due to recent rains farmers have actually managed to grow something) it was suggested that if those on a working visa wanted work in regional Australia perhaps something could be worked out.

There was good news from Western Australia where in response to a letter from a youthful future diabetic the premier was pleased to announce that the Easter Bunny would be exempted from severe border controls being placed around the state.  Rumours that desperate passengers and crew on cruise ships have been making themselves rabbit costumes have so far proved to be unfounded.  When the announcement was made my mind immediately created a picture of a rabbit with a car full of eggs being shot off the road Mad Max style by WA police.  I'm not ashamed to say I giggled.

I must admit I had completely forgotten about Easter.  That's partially Easter's fault.  Christmas at least picks a date and sticks with it.  Easter jumps over the calendar like a rabbit fleeing WA police.  I never know when its happening until it suddenly turns up but I'm generally vaguely aware of its presence.  This year until the announcement of the "don't kill" order on the Easter Bunny I had forgotten it entirely.

Meanwhile there are cautiously hopeful signs.  Transmission rates appear to have slowed over the last couple of days prompting the hints of a smile on our Chief Medical Officers features.  The trouble with a blog or any lasting medium is that if you get something wrong there's a permanent record of it.  It wasn't so long ago that I was noting how not particularly fatal the disease was.  Technically that's true but its not a great thing to say when over fifty thousand people have died of this not particularly fatal disease.  So it is with some trepidation that I report these hopeful signs.  It isn't that I'm particularly wedded to accuracy (or even sanity) in this blog but I hate being offensive unintentionally.

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