Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hail the Colonel

It has been brought to my attention that a number of my recent blog posts have been about food.  This has brought worried parental queries about the quality and frequency of my eating habits.  I find this a little unfair, simply because I take an interest in something doesn't mean I'm obsessed by it.  It isn't as if I spend every waking moment thinking about food, if I did I wouldn't have time to eat.  I've just finished eating some hot buttered toast and it was delicious.  The crisp, brown toast slices were perfectly complemented by the thick slightly salty dribbles of butter oozing down the sides to be trapped by my eager tongue (at this point you're really hoping I'm still talking about food aren't you?)

Sorry, where was I before I got caught up in raptures over buttered toast?  Oh yes, I am not obsessed by food.  I give it the appropriate amount of attention due to a subject of it's importance and leave it at that.  The fact that I have a shrine to Colonel Sanders in the corner of my lounge room is simply a mark of respect for a man who achieved a form of immortality.  After all, how many native sons of Indiana get made a Kentucky Colonel?  Sanders did in fact serve in the US military but the appellation "colonel" is a title not a rank.  The title Kentucky Colonel is an honour bestowed by the state (commonwealth actually) of Kentucky  to those it finds deserving.  One can only presume Sanders received his for his noble attempts to combat the global chicken menace.

I trust my little diversion on the subject of Colonel Sanders has dispelled any illusions that I may be completely obsessed with food.  Apparently I am also obsessed with those who create food (or at least KFC).  I have no such interest in Ronald McDonald but then he never existed.  Colonel Harlen Sanders most definitely did exist and what's more he even looked remarkably like his caricature.  It's pleasant to note that unlike the founder of McDonalds he even died with some money in the bank.  I would give you a full biography of the good colonel but its time for dinner.

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