Sunday, April 17, 2022

A Brief Pause for Reflection

 It seems that my blog has degenerated into little more than place to file the latest after action reports from my wargame and to write about walks through overgrown bits of suburbia.  Plus of course the occasional rant from a random Tasmanian.  Actually its a rant from a highly specific Tasmanian but the principle remains.

For a while covid provided me with a source of fresh material but ultimately there are only so many ways to say "diseases are infectious" and "people are idiots".  The war in Ukraine is far too serious a subject for a deeply silly blog and the election that our august prime minister recently called seems to be a choice between the devil you know and the other devil you know.  On a personal level the most interesting thing that has happened to me of late is that this morning while having breakfast at 3am I managed to bite my tongue lengthways.

It is a source of some annoyance to me that my cracked and decaying teeth which have difficulty gumming their way through a slice of milk softened bread can nevertheless manage to tear the inside of my mouth to shreds with the efficiency of a velociraptor on feeding frenzy.  Having my morning repast interrupted by a sudden spray of obscenity flavoured fruit loops did at least add a little variety to my day.

On the domestic front I have trained my stuffed platypus to use the vacuum cleaner while my spider has apparently converted the place to an airbnb if the number of actual arachnids I have hanging around is anything to go by.  In addition to the vacuuming my puffin is helping me clean the windows.  Well, I say he's helping actually I'm spraying him with Windex and using him to wipe down the windows.  This is one of the reasons why my puffin, once black and white, is now a dirty grey.  It also helps to explain his hopeless addiction to cleaning products.

The Easter weekend provided a perfect opportunity to not do all of the things I've been putting off around the house.  I must admit I got quite a sense of achievement from reflecting on all the things I didn't do.  Trying to remember anything I actually did do has proved somewhat more problematic.  A work colleague mentioned that her daughter needed a hat for their school's Easter hat parade but wasn't particularly impressed with my suggestion of a crown of thorns.  I honestly don't know why I try helping people sometimes.

One thing I did decide to do over Easter was to try and broaden the scope of subjects on my blog to make it more appealing to the seven billion or so people who aren't interested in wargames or random parts of Sydney.  You see the results above.  Or rather you probably don't because the likelihood of you having got this far through what is essentially a random stream of consciousness is rather low.  In fact the term "stream of consciousness" is a bit of a misnomer as its more like puddles of semi consciousness.

I have to go now, the puffin is mainlining the washing powder again.

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