Wednesday, December 16, 2015

I'm Prepared to "Like" Christmas on Facebook

The foyer of the building I work in is getting a little cluttered these days.  Not only is there a honking great tree bedecked with various tasteless gold gewgaws but a significant amount of floor space appears to have been taken over by a group of itinerant buskers playing Christmas carols.  For some reason they didn't look impressed when I tossed a coin in their direction as I went past.

Building management has certainly decked the halls and the slight inconvenience in fighting my way into the office to do some work is surely compensated for by the joys of the season.  One of the joys of the season that is bringing me particular joy at the moment is an endless list of facebook posts exhorting me to fight back against the "war on Christmas".  If it wasn't for these facebook entries I wouldn't even know there was a war on Christmas.  Does anybody know where I can go to surrender?

Apparently despite the blanket Christmas themed advertising, the government mandated days off, the proliferation of Christmas themed wrapping paper in the shops and alcohol sodden corporate parties Christmas has not yet been completely trashed and somebody is trying to finish it off.  Who?  No idea, I've never encountered anyone trying to wipe out Christmas (although most of the above mentioned activities are doing a good job incidentally).  All I've encountered is other people complaining about those trying to wipe out Christmas.

Christmas has proved to be tediously resilient because the war goes on every year.  I know this because the same "fightback" messages turn up on facebook about the same time.  At what point do you persuade these people to declare victory and just shut up?

Don't misunderstand me; that there might be people desperately trying to abolish Christmas doesn't actually surprise me.  The PC loony left are populated by the same type of demented imbeciles who populate the irrational right.  These two groups can be safely left to fight it out in the sure and certain knowledge that any casualties on either side aren't anyone the human race will miss.  The rest of us can ignore them both and enjoy Christmas.  I'm going to enjoy Christmas despite being an atheist and I hope Jews, Pagans, Buddhists and Muslims enjoy it too.  I don't even mind if Christians enjoy it.  It's Christmas I'm prepared to be charitable.  Not charitable in the sense of handing out money to anyone but charitable in a vague "like it on facebook" sort of way.

I absolutely support Christmas if only because eventually it will be over and that means those damn buskers in the foyer will have to leave.  If there was no Christmas they might feel entitled to stay.  I'm hoping the tree will make itself scarce sometime after December 25th as well.

Happy non gender specific, anti religious, bigotry free, misogyny avoiding holidays which we are apparently having for no particular reason.

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