Sunday, August 10, 2014


So from taxes to death which might seem like the wrong way round until you think about it for a moment although some governments have nobly attempted to square the circle by taxing death.

A friend of mine recently asked me if I believed in reincarnation.  I don't as it so happens although I will concede there is a bit of wish fulfillment in that statement.  I have no particular complaints about my life but neither do I particularly want to do it all again.  Been here, done this.  Besides, if everyone is a reincarnation of everyone else then there shouldn't be any population growth.  Where are all the extra people coming from?  Some of us must be doubling up.

Still less do I accept the possibility of being reincarnated as an animal.  While it may be pleasant to contemplate the prospect of certain people being reincarnated as cockroaches the whole concept loses a little of its flavour if they don't actually realise it.  I also can't help wondering what acts of staggering nobility a cockroach must perform in order to be reincarnated as a human.  Somehow I think it would have to be a little more than warning the ranger that Timmy was stuck down the well again.

I don't actually think I'd mind being reincarnated as a cockroach.  I could find a snug little berth under the fridge and there would be food absolutely everywhere.  There would be none of this rent paying malarkey and I'm pretty sure cockroaches don't pay tax.  The only problem I can see is working out how to operate the TV remote.

Possibly the reason for the interest in reincarnation is a human reluctance to accept death as final.  Religions around the world have been living off this reluctance for millennia.  Almost all of them seem to promise some sort of existence after death whether it be as cockroach or member of the heavenly choir.  Even Hell is a guarantee that something is going to happen after you're dead other than the certainty of becoming wormfood.  Paradise, no matter which religion promises it, is a guarantee of life eternal.  Try not to think about exactly how boring that would rapidly become.  Still it would be a brave religion that promised its worshippers nothing but the certainty of death.  Brave and I suspect, quite small.

Each religion has its own take on what the afterlife will actually consist of.  I have no idea which is correct but there is one thing I can state with confidence.  It will be crowded.  Possibly its time to take another look at the cockroach option.

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