Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Birthday Greetings #10

Happy birthday to Karl I, last Habsburg emperor; although considering the Habsburg's penchant for survival possibly one should say, the last so far. Karl was born in 1887 and didn't seem a particularly high prospect for the throne since he was the great nephew of the incumbent emperor. A series of particularly grisly deaths lifted him up the chain. Firstly the emperors drug addicted son blew his brains out in a hunting lodge (along with those of his mistress) and then the next heir to the throne made the mistake of inspecting troop manoeuvres in Sarajevo. Suddenly Karl was heir to the throne and since the emperor was older than god at this point elevation couldn't be long in coming.

Before taking on the imperial dignity however Karl had to do his duty as a soldier which for a Habsburg meant commanding an army corps during the First World War. One suspects his war service consisted of pinning on medals while his staff tried to work around him but whatever he saw of war he decided he didn't like it much. In late 1916 the old emperor Franz Josef finally died and Karl ascended to the doomed throne of a disintegrating empire. World War I was going like crazy and the Habsburg empire was buckling under the strain.

Opinion is divided as to whether Karl was a thoughtful and insightful man attuned to the needs of his multicultural empire or an overpromoted nincompoop who thoroughly deserved what was about to happen to him. Which ever was the case Karl was well aware that to have even a hope of saving his inheritance the empire needed peace. Now! Unfortunately rather than approach openly he got his brother in law (who was serving in the Belgian army) to sound out the French about the possibility of a separate peace. During these negotiations he cheerfully ratted out his German ally and put it all in writing. The French government publicised the negotiations and Karl was summoned to the presence of Emperor Wilhelm of Germany for some condign grovelling. With all hope of peace gone Karl's empire was shackled to Germany and as the war went increasingly badly the unique Habsburg combination of oppression coupled with incompetence loosened whatever bonds may have kept his subjects loyal.

Finally in 1918 it came. Turkey and Bulgaria were already beaten, Germany was tottering and the Habsburg empire simply came apart at the seams. The various nationality groups declared themselves independent (or simply behaved as though they had) and pretty soon Karl had difficulty commanding attention in his own throne room. Advised by his last prime minister to get out while the going was good Karl issued something that was definitely not an abdication and left. Very few people seemed to notice he had gone.

Karl hadn't given up though. Technically Hungary was still a kingdom (although since his departure sadly lacking in kings) and with the backing of a group of royalists he attempted to take over at least this part of his inheritance. Sadly Admiral Miklos Horthy (Hungary had neither a navy or a coastline but whatever) who was running Hungary at the time (technically as regent for Karl) refused to give up his post and Karl had to slink out of the country in disgrace. Karl was exiled to Madeira and died there a year or so later of pneumonia.

The Catholic church has since beatified him and he is now the Blessed Karl, apparently because he cured some nuns varicose veins. I've got to say the quality of miracles required for beatification seems to be dropping off somewhat.

Since Karl never technically abdicated the House of Habsburg (very quietly) considers themselves to still be entitled to the throne. In response the Austrians implemented the Habsburg law which bans any member of the family from setting foot in Austria unless they renounce their claims. Keep your eye on that bunch. The Habsburgs aren't finished yet.

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